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To tātou iwiAdvisory Groups | Rōpū Whakamāherehere
Science Advisory Panel | Pae Whakamāherehere Pūtaiao

High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga National Science Challenge Science Advisory Advisory Panel members (from left) Professor Phillip Calder, Professor Nancy Krebs and Emeritus Professor Sean Strain (Chair | Toihau).
Professor Sean Strain (Chair | Toihau)
Sean Strain is the Emeritus Professor, Human Nutrition, Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health (NICHE), Ulster University, Ireland. Sean Strain is internationally recognised for his micronutrient research – specifically in the areas of trace element nutrition, fatty acid metabolism and in B vitamin metabolism.
Professor Philip Calder
Philip Calder is the Professor of Nutritional Immunology, Human Development & Health, Academic Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, UK. Phillip Calder is a New Zealander who is Professor of Nutritional Immunology at the University of Southampton. His research is broad but focuses on the nutritional modulation of immunity, inflammation and cardiometabolic disease risk. Professor Calder trained at Massey University, the University of Auckland and Oxford University. He has over 500 scientific publications and is listed by Thomson Reuters as a Highly Cited Researcher.
Professor Nancy Krebs
Nancy Krebs is Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine, and the Vice Chair of Academic Affairs at the University. Her research interest is in zinc and trace mineral nutrition, defining dietary requirements and evaluating the metabolic regulation and adaptation to different intakes and physiologic states and treatment of adolescent obesity.
Industry Advisory Panel | Pae Whakamāherehere Ahumahi
Craig Armstrong (Chair | Toihau)
Craig is Chair of High-Value Nutrition’s Industry Advisory Panel and brings Board and Executive experience and skills from a range of multinational FMCG, agrifood and Professional Services firms. He’s an Independent Co-Director, Trustee and Advisor to public and private organisations, and a graduate of Massey University (NZ), and of Thunderbird School of Global Management Executive Programme (Arizona, USA).
Tim Carroll, General Manager, Advanced Nutrition, Fonterra Research and Development Centre, Palmerston North
Tim Carroll is the General Manager of Advanced Nutrition at the Fonterra Research and Development Centre in Palmerston North, leading a team of over 50 people, with responsibility for developing new ingredients and substantiating new benefits from dairy to address the health and nutrition needs of consumers globally. He’s been with Fonterra for over 20 years and holds degrees from Cornell University in USA and University College Dublin in Ireland.
Jennifer Yee Collinson, Nutrition & Regulatory Affairs Manager, Frucor Suntory
Jennifer Yee Collinson is a food scientist and New Zealand registered dietitian. An industry consultant and nutrition & regulatory affairs manager for Frucor Suntory, her roles have encompassed public health, product development, nutrition communications, nutrition and health claims regulatory compliance and research partnerships with Crown research agencies and universities. Professional activities have included the New Zealand Nutrition Foundation council, the Health Star Rating advisory group; and currently the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council health & technical working group, and the Australian Beverages Council public affairs and technical & regulatory affairs committees. She is past chair of the New Zealand Fruit & Vegetable Alliance working group and past president of Food Writers New Zealand. In her spare time, she is a sourdough maker, an avid culinary tourist and loves walking.
Gerard Hickey, Managing Director, Firstlight Foods
Gerard Hickey has over 10 years of experience as Managing Director and Co-Owner of Firstlight Foods Ltd and brings his knowledge and skills in business strategy and innovation, consumer preferences, marketing and sales, value chain structures, and product development. He has a background in the New Zealand animal agricultural sector with a focus on promoting the provenance of premium grass-fed beef and lamb and developing sustainable pasture to plate processes.
Sarita Males, Senior Commercialisation Manager, Plant and Food Research
Sarita Males has a Bachelor of Technology (Bio-Technology and Bio-Process Engineering) from Massey University and post graduate qualifications in Dairy Science and Technology, and Business Administration (Finance). Her previous career experience includes roles with Douglas Nutrition, The Foodbowl and Food Innovation Network, New Zealand Dairy Board, New Zealand Dairy Ingredients, wheat producer Manildra Group (London and New South Wales), Ogilvy Interactive Worldwide (London), Terralink International Ltd and the Hyperfactory.
Vicky Taylor
Vicky Taylor is an experienced food industry professional who was worked in a variety of multinational and entrepreneurial businesses in New Zealand, in a range of roles from sales and marketing through general management and governance. Over the last 25 years, she has broadened her experience from manufactured food and beverages, to governance experience that includes tourism, quick service restaurants and science organisations. Vicky is a proud New Zealander who enjoys contributing back to our overall wellbeing as a nation.