Facts with Impact

Over the past decade, High-Value Nutrition has worked with businesses across the country to make discoveries that puts New Zealand food on the world’s stage.

High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga National Science Challenge

Growing the science excellence and knowledge New Zealand needs to produce and deliver food and nutrition to the world to help people stay healthy and well.

News and events

a selection of photos from Foodomics 2024
Foodomics 2024

Foodomics 2024

More than 180 delegates from science, the F&B industry and government came together to celebrate 10 years of the High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge at Foodomics 2024.

A Systems Nutrition Approach

The Challenge brings together multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional teams with a systems-level view on the networks in the human body, our environment and society. The research is the basis for the development and delivery of validated high-value foods for health and well-being.

Vision Mātauranga

Our Vision Mātauranga strategy guides research investment to align with mātauranga/ knowledge and supports Māori innovation  and opportunities to develop and deliver high-value foods for health and wellbeing.

Introducing the High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge