Digestive Health Publications

Digestive Health


Year Authors Title Summary Published
2023 Durainayagam B, Mitchell CJ, Milan AM, Kruger MC, Roy NC, Fraser K, Cameron-Smith D. Plasma metabolomic response to high-carbohydrate meals of differing glycaemic load in overweight women.  

Eur J Nutr.


2023 James SC, Fraser K, Cooney J, Günther CS, Young W, Gearry RB, Heenan PE, Trower T, Keenan JI, Talley NJ, McNabb WC, Roy NC. Concentrations of Plasma Amino Acids and Neurotransmitters in Participants with Functional Gut Disorders and Healthy Controls.  



2023 Fraccascia D, Chanyi RM, Altermann E, Roy NC, Flint SH, McNabb WC. Complete Genome Sequences of Eight Faecalibacterium sp. Strains Isolated from Healthy Human Stool.  

Microbiol Resour Announc.


2023 Macintosh A, Heenan PE, Wright-McNaughton M, Frampton C, Skidmore P, Wall C, Muir J, Dwyer E, Talley NJ, Roy NC & Gearry RB The relationship between fermentable carbohydrates and post-prandial bowel symptoms in patients with functional bowel disorders  

Frontiers in Nutrition


2022 Mullaney JA, Roy NC, Halliday C, Young W, Altermann E, Kruger MC, Dilger RN, McNabb WC Effects of early postnatal life nutritional interventions on immune-microbiome interactions in the gastrointestinal tract and implications for brain development and function.  

Front Microbiol.


2022 Fraser K, Ryan L, Dilger RN, Dunstan K, Armstrong K, Peters J, Stirrat H, Haggerty N, MacGibbon AKH, Dekker J, Young W, Roy NC Impacts of Formula Supplemented with Milk Fat Globule Membrane on the Neurolipidome of Brain Regions of Piglets.  



2022 Gillies NA, Sharma P, Han SM, Teh R, Fraser K, Roy NC, Cameron-Smith D, Milan AM The acute postprandial response of homocysteine to multivitamin and mineral supplementation with a standard meal is not impaired in older compared to younger adults.  

Eur J Nutr


2022 Macintosh A, Heenan PE, Wright-McNaughton M, Frampton C, Skidmore P, Wall C, Muir J, Dwyer E, Talley NJ, Roy NC & Gearry RB The effects of ruminant milk treatments on hippocampal, striatal, and prefrontal cortex gene expression in pigs as a model for the human infant.  

Front Neurosci


2022 Altermann E, Tegetmeyer HE, and Chanyi RM The evolution of bacterial genome assemblies – where do we need to go next? Overview of sequencing technologies and current state of metagenome assemblies, with suggestions for developing new data formats that can capture genetic variations within strains and communities.

Microbiome Research Reports


2022 Bayer SB, Heenan P, Frampton C, Wall C, Drummond LN, Roy NC, Gearry RB Two Gold Kiwifruit Daily for Effective Treatment of Constipation in Adults-A Randomized Clinical Trial. Study assessing impact of consuming two gold kiwifruit vs psyllium on chronic constipation over four weeks in adult participants with functional constipation, constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome, and healthy controls.  Results indicated consuming two gold kiwifruit daily is as effective as fiber-matched psyllium in treating constipation.



2022 Simon MH, Heenan PE, Frampton C, Bayer S, Keenan JI, Boer de NK, Roy NC, Talley NJ, Gearry RB Economic living standard and abdominal pain mediate the association between functional gastrointestinal disorders and depression or anxiety. Study examining the association between functional gastrointestinal disorders and depression and anxiety to determine covariates influencing association in a New Zealand cohort.  Results indicated anxiety and depression were strongly associated with functional gastrointestinal disorders.

Neurogastroenterology & Motility 


2021 Shanalee C. James, Karl Fraser, Wayne Young, Phoebe Heenan, Richard Gearry, Jacqui Keenan, Nicholas J Talley, Susan Joyce, Warren C. McNabb, and Nicole C. Roy Concentrations of fecal bile acids in participants with functional gut disorders and healthy controls Study quantifying 23 bile acids in fecal samples to determine if concentrations differed between healthy participants and those with functional gut disorders.  Results indicate bile acid metabolites distinguish between individuals with functional gut disorders and healthy controls but are similar in constipation (or diarrhea) whether classified as IBS or not.

Metabolites 11 (9)


2020 Altermann, A., Bailie M.A., Fraser K, Young W NexGen Sequencing data: Bioinformatic Tools for Visualization and Analysis Book chapter discussing current trends and tools employed in genomic sciences, using representative examples that introduce fundamental concepts of sequence analyses and visualisations. In: Food Scienc. Elsevier reference collection: Comprehensive Foodomics (pg 47-90)



2020 Carco, C., Young, W., Heenan, P., Wall, C., Mullaney, J.A., Maclean, P.D., Cotter, P.D., Fraser, K., Gearry, R.B., McNabb, W.C. and Roy, N.C. Relative abundances of microbial genes involved in galactose and porphyrin metabolism are altered in diarrhea-predominant functional gastrointestinal disorders Study examining fecal samples from a case-control study to improve understanding of links between microbiome and functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. Results show that the relative abundance of taxa from the Clostridiales order,including Lachnospiraceae and Blautia, and genes related to the metabolism of galactose and porphyrin were positively correlated with GI symptoms related to diarrhea.

Gastroenterology 158(6)


2020 Carco CMD, Young W, Gearry RB, Talley NJ, McNabb WC, and Roy NC. Increasing evidence that Irritable Bowel Syndrome and functional gastrointestinal disorders have a microbial pathogenesis Review discussing interplay between host factors, such as microbial dysbiosis, immune activation, impaired epithelial barrier function and motility, and environmental factors, including diet, in the pathophysiology of functional gastrointestinal disorders.

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology


2020 Heenan P, Creemers RH, Sharma S, Keenan J, Bayer S, Young W, Cooney J, Armstrong K, Fraser K, Skidmore PM, Talley NJ, COMFORT Cohort Collaborators, Roy NC, and Gearry RB. Cohort Profile – The Christchurch cOhort to investigate Mechanisms FOr gut Relief and improved Transit (COMFORT). Cross-sectional observational case-control study to increase understanding of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID). The COMFORT cohort is a unique clinical cohort of FGID cases, with future research aimed at using systems biology approaches to establish role of diet, host-microbiome interactions, and other factors in the pathogenesis of FGIDs.

Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases 5(3)


2020 James SC, Fraser K, Young W, McNabb WC & Roy N. Gut metabolites and biochemical pathways involved in irritable bowel syndrome: effects of diet and nutrition on the microbiome. A review of the possible link between diet, metabolites and microbiota in those with functional gut disorders, particularly IBS.

Journal of Nutrition 150(5): 1012-1021


2020 Milan AM, Shrestha A, Karlström HJ, Martinsson JA, Nilsson NJ, Perry JK, Day L, Barnett MPG, Cameron-Smith D. Comparison of the impact of bovine milk β-casein variants on digestive comfort in females self-reporting diary intolerance: a randomized controlled trial. a2 Milk™ decreased the severity of some lactose malabsorptive symptoms in lactose intolerant subjects. Furthermore, self-reported dairy intolerance without lactose malabsorption is identified in those with rapid, transient symptoms after milk ingestion, regardless of lactose or β-casein content.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111(1): 149-160


2020 Roy N, Heenan P, Wall C, Young W, Carco C, Keenan J, Cotter P, Maclean P, Mullaney J, Fraser K, James S, McNabb W, and Gearry R. Association of habitual dietary fiber intake and fecal microbiome gene abundance with gastrointestinal symptoms in an Irritable Bowel Syndrome cohort Study exploring differences in dietary fibre intake, gastrointestinal symptoms, and the fecal microbiome in those with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID). High fibre consumption was associated with decreased bloating, anxiety, and depression in different FGID subgroups. Irritable Bowel Syndrome was associated with altered fecal microbiome composition, including taxa linked to carbohydrate and hydrogen metabolism.

Current Developments in Nutrition 4(2):1581


2020 Shrestha A, Barnett MPG, Perry JK, Cameron-Smith D, and Milan AM. Evaluation of breath, plasma, and urinary markers of lactose malabsorption to diagnose lactase non-persistence following lactose or milk ingestion Study to evaluate diagnostic accuracy to detect lactase non-persistence (LNP) using commonly measured lactose malabsorption (LM) markers after lactose and milk challenges. Accurate diagnosis of LNP by breath hydrogen was demonstrated irrespective of substrate used. Diagnostic threshold may vary depending on substrate.

BMC Gastroenterology 20(1):204


2019 Bayer SB, Heenan P, Keenan J, Roy N, and Gearry RB. Evaluation of the psychosocial features of people with functional abdominal bloating (FAB) Study investigating the association between the symptoms of FAB and economic background in a cohort. Symptoms of FAB were associated with all subgroups of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, with higher bloating scores also correlating with lower standard of living.

Gastroenterology 156(6)


2019 Brown SC, Whelan K, Gearry RB, Day AS. Low FODMAP diet in children and adolescents with functional bowel disorder: A clinical case note review. Study examining the use of the low FODMAP diet (LFD) in children with a functional bowel disorder (FBD). The LFD is a useful dietary treatment strategy for children with FBD, and the study adds to a body of evidence supporting FODMAP interventions in children with FBD.

JGH Open 4(2):153-159


2019 Fraser K, Young W, McNabb, W, Gearry R & Roy N Lipid and metabolite profiles in human plasma and associations with the microbiome and functional gastrointestinal disorders Case-control study attempting to identify microbial and host factors in plasma to provide mechanistic insights into functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and increase predictability of phenotypes for use in nutrition intervention studies. Perturbations of plasma lipid concentrations in Irritable Bowel Syndrome subjects suggest changes may occur with both host and microbial lipid metabolism.

Current Developments in Nutrition 3(1)


2019 Ghimeray PS, Shrestha A, Karlström J, Martinson J, Nilsson J, Barnett M, Cameron-Smith D, and Milan A. Riboflavin Bioavailability Varies with Milk Type and Is Altered in Self-Reported Dairy Intolerance States (P24-012-19). In this randomised cross-over controlled trial, the processing of milk was shown to affect plasma riboflavin levels as conventional milk showed greater levels in subjects than lactose free or A2 milk.

Current Developments in Nutrition 3(1)


2019 Heenan PE, Keenan JI, Bayer S, Simon M & Gearry RB. Irritable bowel syndrome and the gut microbiota A review of the history and current understanding of gut microbiota relative to their role in the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome.

Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 50(3): 470-490


2019 James C, Fraser K, Young W, McNabb W, Gearry R, Roy N. Understanding how metabolites link diet, host, and microbiota in a dysfunctional gut model is important to establishing a system-wide understanding of gut function (P20-035-19). There was no difference in the bile acid concentrations in this cohort study of controls and IBS participants. However, bile acid profile differed significantly in the IBS cohort compared to healthy controls, suggesting that bile acid metabolism is perturbed in IBS.

Current Developments in Nutrition 3(1)


2019 Kortlever TL, Ten Bokkel Huinink S, Offereins M, Hebblethwaite C, O’Brien L, Leeper J, Mulder CJJ, Barrett JS, Gearry RB. Low-FODMAP Diet Is Associated With Improved Quality of Life in IBS Patients-A Prospective Observational Study. Study aiming to determine the effect of low-FODMAP diet on long-term QoL, gastrointestinal (GI) and non-GI symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients. Low‐FODMAP diet was associated with improved long‐term QoL and GI symptoms, reduced fatigue and anxiety/depression, and increased happiness and vitality. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 34(4): 623-630



2019 Shrestha A, Prodhan UK, Mitchell SM, Sharma P, Barnett MPG, Milan AM, Cameron-Smith D. Validity of a portable breath analyser (AIRE) for the assessment of lactose malabsorption. A portable breath analyser is successfully validated against a calibrated breath hydrogen analyser in participants experiencing lactose malabsorption.

Nutrients 11(7): 1636


2019 Wright-McNaughton M, Ten Bokkel Huinink S, Frampton CMA, McCombie AM, Talley NJ, Skidmore PML, Gearry RB. Measuring Diet Intake and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Validation of the Food and Symptom Times Diary A prospective observational study of the validity of a food and symptom diary. As a tool, the diary can measure gastrointestinal symptoms in those with IBS and correlate these to specific aspects of their diet.

Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology 10(12): e00103


2019 Young, W., C. Carco, J. Mullaney, P. Maclean, P. Cotter, K. Fraser, W. McNabb, R. Gearry & N. Roy. The Microbiome in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Is Characterized by Bacteria and Genes Involved in Carbohydrate and Bile Acid Metabolism (OR23-01-19) Study undertaking shotgun metagenomic sequencing of fecal samples from a case-control study to improve understanding of links between microbiome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Results from the study suggest carbohydrate and bile acid metabolism by the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome may be important distinguishing characteristics in functional GI disorders.

Current Developments in Nutrition 3(1)


2019 Young W, Fraser K, Maclean P, Carco C, Mullaney J, Cotter P, McNabb W, Gearry R & Roy N Integrated multi-omics analysis of the faecal microbiome and plasma lipidome from a New Zealand Irritable Bowel Syndrome case/control study Study to examine link between microbiome and host lipid metabolism in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Results show potential links between major members of fecal microbiome, in both composition and function, with the plasma lipidome profile in an IBS cohort.

Gastroenterology 156(6)