HVN has funding available to support post-graduate (Masters or PhD) research projects that align with the Challenge’s purposeful investment in Food for Health research with a Systems Nutrition approach, Capacity Building to support high-value food sectors, and its Vision Mātauranga strategy.

The scholarship programme is open to any Māori student eligible to enrol in a recognised post-graduate programme of study at a New Zealand Institute of Higher Learning.

The scholarship project will be co-designed and accord with the aspirations of HVN and the prospective student and proposed supervisors. Read more here.

Application status: No formal application required
Applicable study: MSc or PhD
Closing date: By nomination
Tenure: Up to 48 months
Value: Annual stipend (plus agreed research costs); on a case-by-case basis

Application and Selection Process
Students do not need to apply formally for the scholarship. Nominations are made directly to the HVN Directorate by potential post-graduate candidates or supervisors.
Nominations are evaluated based on academic merit, nature and quality of proposed research, alignment with HVN mission and objectives, and potential to positively impact high-value nutrition food and beverage research / industry / entities in New Zealand.

Nominations can be sent to the HVN Directorate via email: hvn@auckland.ac.nz.